Michael sent me the script for the first episode of Computer Girl. I have to say right up front that I had a bit of a shock when I first read it. Not that it was a bad script but the subject happened to be my first sexual experience. The thought of having people watch me lose my naivety made me shudder. After some processing and some discussion with Michael and SaIly, I arrived at the conclusion that this is exactly what I wanted. I want people to know me, the real me. That and the fact that this may actually get my documentary on logic off the ground – which I still believe everyone will want to see.
While the story of my first encounter is there, I’m not so certain Michael captured my persona as effectively. He took some liberty and exaggerated a bit so I am unable to tell if he has created an accurate representation of my behavior. Both he and Sally assured me that it is fairly close but I am 100% positive I never say “Please wait" while I am thinking. I also do not refer to my brain as a CPU. I may have at some point said it is like a CPU but that isn’t the same thing.
Michael made me promise I wouldn’t say too much about it. Hopefully, when you watch it you will remember my concerns and make the appropriate adjustments to your interpretation. We start production next week.
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