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Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Meeting with Michael

Aristotle I just don’t understand why people dislike documentaries.  It seems to me that people would enjoy being educated.  I do.  It seems to me that people should want to learn, that it should entertain them to learn.

But not Michael.  When I made my suggestion that we should do the web series based on the highly exciting world of syllogistic logic, he laughed.  Can you believe that?  Then he said, “Absolutely no one would want to watch a show about syllaballistic (sic) logic.”  I thought perhaps he misunderstood what I was talking about, he did mispronounce it, so I tried to explain it to him.

Syllogistic logic  is a kind of logical argument in which one proposition (the conclusion) is inferred from two others (the premises) of a certain form.  Aristotle was the first to define it as "a discourse in which, certain things having been supposed, something different from the things' supposed results of necessity because these things are so." Now doesn’t that sound like an exhilarating topic for a web series?

Apparently Michael didn’t think so,  he waved his hands and got very emotional.  “People want to see drama”,  he said, “they don’t want to be spoon fed philosophies devised by ancient Greeks that died over two centuries ago.”  Then he went on to say he had some great ideas for a show about a modern girl dealing with age old problems. He said I was perfect for the lead and he would be heartbroken if I said no.

I told him I would give it some thought but I’m not too sure I want to do this project anymore.  How does he intend to make my life dramatic?  I work and then I sleep.  I don’t have any problems except the  bugs I encounter in my programs.  If he didn’t want to do the show on syllogistic logic then the isn’t going to want to do it on program debugging.

He said he’d give me a call this week to discuss things further.  I  don’t know what “further” there is to discuss.  If it isn’t going to be a documentary then I don’t want to do it.   Sorry to let everyone down.

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My name is Computer Girl, C.G. for short. I'm just an electronic girl trying to find my way through life's biological problems.